Career & Consulting Opportunities
Click here to submit your resume to Torpac in Fairfield, NJ USA
Click here to submit your resume to Torpac BV in Heerlen, The Netherlands (near Aaachen, DE)
Click here to submit your resume to Custom Capsules in Tarapur (Boisar) India

We’re a world leader in the specialized field of laboratory scale pharmaceutical equipment (in particular, capsule machines) and empty capsules.
Established in 1989, we sell our products globally from our distribution centers in Fairfield, NJ and Heerlen, Netherlands. We have an ISO-9002, EU-Traces & GMP+ registered factory in India.
We are a smaller company: 15+ at our US head office, 3+ at our EU location and 100+ at our factory in India. We work as a team to accomplish our goals. |
We have grown at over 10% a year for several years by expanding our product line and entering into new overseas markets. Over 30% of our sales are outside the US. We have a diversified customer base with no single customer accounting for over 10% of our sales. Our major focus area for growth is in new laboratory scale equipment for the pharmaceutical industry. |
Unsolicited Comments:

We are interested in you if you…
- take responsibility for meeting your commitments to customers and colleagues.
- are willing to contribute to our team’s effort to provide real value to customers.
- are interested in growing personally and contributing to the growth of your colleagues and the company.
Consulting or Part-Time Opportunities
Part-time and Consulting Opportunities in technical support or business development. If you are interested in any of these opportunities please email your resume or c.v. to the Attention of Raj Tahil. To email this page to a colleague Click here.
Large Animal Health
Please contact us if you have technical or marketing knowledge of the large animal market in one or more of the following areas: diseases, treatments, oral formulations and the companies active in the market. We are interested in people who can help us support customers with formulation or other technical assistance or help us introduce capsules for large animals into new countries.
Compounding Pharmacy
Please contact us if you have technical or marketing knowledge related to compounding pharmacies. We are interested in people who can help us support customers with formulation assistance, provide our designer’s with the customer’s viewpoint on compounding equipment, or help us introduce new products into the market by coordinating customer trials.
Pre-Clinical Trials
Please contact us if you have technical or marketing knowledge related to pre-clinical trials. We are interested in people who can help us support customers with questions on oral administration, provide our designer’s with the customer’s viewpoint on new capsule based drug delivery systems, or help us coordinate trials at pre-clinical facilities.
Full-Time Employment Opportunities
USA - The Netherlands- India
The following positions are currently open at our Fairfield, NJ office.
- VP Sales
- Animal Health Customer Representative
Contact us for position descriptions.
Click here to send your resume. |
The Netherlands
The following positions are currently open at our Heerlen, Netherlands office.
- Animal Health Sales Representative
- Bookkeeper (Part Time)
Contact us for position descriptions.
Click here to send your resume. |
If you are visiting our website after seeing an advertisement for Custom Capsules Pvt. Ltd. (CCPL), you can upload your resume if you have not already sent it to CCPL directly. You do not need to re-submit your resume through this website to be considered for employment at our factory (CCPL) in India.
Click here to send your resume for a position at Tarapur (Boisar), India. |
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